Though Bella Belarus resides in the USA, the only line of its activity is to promote and develop Belarusian fine arts. As a result there are certain essential directions to take and exciting challenges for us to meet that we want to share with you:
This consolidation also means that we look for joining our project with not only visual artists who live and work in Belarus but also with those who are abroad. It is a known fact that a lot of talented and energetic artists have left Belarus in order to broaden the horizons of creativity. So in order to compose a coherent whole of Belarusian art we should act together. And that’s not where the “consolidation” element ends. There are a lot of outstanding artists who were born in Belarus or their creative work was connected with our country. But due to the difficult historic path of Belarus to its independence from the Russian Empire at first and then from Soviet regimen, a lot of world-renowned artists are not associated with Belarus nowadays. Among them for instance are Marc Chagall, Chaim Soutine, Mark Rothko, El Lissitzky, Léon Bakst, Ferdynand Ruszczyc. All were born in Belarus. Kasimir Malevich for example worked and taught in Vitebsk. We made it our major goal to restore the role of Belarusian fine art in European and global cultural context.
Through the works of Belarusian artists we strive to show the beauty of Belarus and bring its appeal to the entire world. There are no political goals Bella Belarus pursues as well as no political preferences or ideas inhere in Bella Belarus’ activities. We are open to any ways of cooperation, are eager to listen to your advice, to consider your opinion and to take into account your observations. You may always send offers and suggestions or leave feedback using Contact us page. Please, note that guidelines when buying an artwork can be found on Order and buy an artwork page. At the moment all news, information, articles and researches on different aspects of Belarusian visual art life are published on News and Events page. |